
Accomplishments in Technology

💗 Winner of Web-Art, a web designing contest organised at Esperanza 4.0, The annual fest of CGEC.

💗 Mentored 100+ students at JGEC Winter of Code'23 and selected as the Top Mentor (#1) - Feb,2023.

💗 Best Beginner Hack at Hack-O-Vation- May,2022.

💗 Contributed on the Open Source Event- JGEC Winter of Code'22 and ranked 17th among 250+ participants- Feb,2022.

💗 3⭐ at CodeChef (Max contest rating-1619).

💗 3⭐ at LeetCode (Max contest rating-1624).

💗 3⭐ in C++ & 4⭐ in Java at HackerRank.

Other Achievements

💗 2nd Place Winner in 'Penography' event of AJANTRIK, organised by CGEC- Aug,2021.