Personal Projects

Mobile Shoppee
Mobile Shoppee

Dynamic mobile shopping website for easy selecting mobile phones and placing order.

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Sparks Bank

Dynamic banking website for easy money transaction facilities among registered users.

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Fix Your Nums

Web based multiple-in-one calculator, with several Mathematical and Conversion features. Open sourced at JWoC'23.

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Mini-music Player

Web based music player app, hard coded, with play, pause, next, previous features.

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My Portfolio

My portfolio website.

Hackathon Projects

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Red Wings

Blood bank management website for hospitals, worked on back-end as well as front end.

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Tech Jam

Technical sources, personal to-do list and peer discussions for students.

Group Projects

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Official website of Google Developer Student Clubs - CGEC.

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Portfolio template

A student portfolio template made on the event Web-Art.

Open Source Projects

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Dev Hub

Hub for developer tools and packages, contributed to all sources and page transition effects.

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App to maintain your tasks, personal diary, movie lists, contributed to and movie list edit feature.

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HealthCare website to find perfect health plans, contributed to preloader and tools page.

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Aec Library Website

Library website with multiple features, contributed to adding resources and minimize loading time.

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Go Airbnb

Airbnb website clone, contributed to full responsive home page(including contents) and FAQ section.

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Chrome Extension

Weather app chrome extension for getting weather updates of searched places.

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Website to help needies. Contributed to about us page to make proper UI.

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Big B e-learn Website

E-learning website. Contributed to add bottom to top button.